
The Journey Begins

When I think of the word 'wholesome', images of homemade granola, fresh wheatgrass juice and spring air whooshing through my windows come to mind. I honestly can't get enough of all things wholesome. I get giddy over trips to farmer's markets, swinging outside with my boys on a sunny day and watching my toddler sip the rest of my green smoothie. I throw a small party when my children grab an organic gala over the junk hidden in the pantry. Its just those little things that make my world a little happier.

But to be totally honest, I am not wholesome all the time. We do indulge on cakes, carbs and cavity-enhancing treats on occasion. We allow them in and they are consumed. And when they're around long enough, we get sick. Then we come to our senses and get back on the wholesome path. But thankfully, over the years, we are learning and progressing because we see the good that wholesome things bring.

This really parallels my life in Christ. Some days I am so on board with all things holy and pure. But then there are minutes, hours even days when I am a picture of complete garbage and what the health world calls sick. But as Christ says in His word, all things become new and his mercies are new every morning... I know there is always hope.

So you may wonder, what is the purpose of my blog? Well, by nature I am a researcher, a nurturer, a fixer of sorts and a nurse by trade... put all that together and you have a very passionate person who wants to see people happy and healthy. This passion also began when my son became sick at one point. We were at a loss for why he was sick and I was determined to get answers on my own and make him well again. Thankfully and by God's grace, he is well today. With just a few simple changes in our life and home, things quickly went from bad to good. I want to share that journey and other bits whether it be recipes, good finds, or a healthy boost from Scripture.

I want you to carry out your God-given talents and experience a good life. We all get sick at times, we live in a unhealthy world. But I think there are changes we can make to live better. So come along and join me as we chew on some wholesome bits ~ the physical and spiritual kind... and trust me, you will like it!

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