
What I Picked Up Yesterday...

Books and reading are a big part of our home. I am thankful for intelligent people sharing their wisdom to the world. One thing I am particularly appreciative of is the ability to request books from different libraries and have them wonderfully delivered to mine! It's a beautiful thing.

For many years, I have used books in my health journey. The internet is great for supplying us with many great articles and such, but a book does that and so much more.

If you are on a journey to becoming healthier, I encourage you to start looking for books to help you. The knowledge shared from experts in a certain field can spring you into discovering new ways to overcome health issues you are experiencing or boost you into a better health. It has brought me so much further in my journey.

Here are some books I recently picked up from my library that I had requested. I do have a little ADD when it comes to books... I read a few pages from one and move on to another book. Eventually I do finish, but it must take a twisted brain to piece together what one has read!

  • Eat to Live; The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
  • The Backyard Homestead; Produce All the Food you Need on Just a Quarter Acre! edited by Carleen Madigan
  • Wheat Belly; Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health by William Davis, M.D.
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to Raw Food Detox by Adam Graham
  • Flat Belly Diet Cookbook by Liz Vaccariello
  • The Essential EatingWell Cookbook; Good Carbs; Good Fats; Great Flavors edited by Patsy Jamieson

What books are you reading this spring? Are you methodical and read one book at a time or slightly scattered-brained like me and read snippets from many books?

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